
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. - I John 3:16
Women's Circle Groups
Although the Women's Missionary Union was founded in 1888, the first WMU for Kentucky was first organized at First Baptist Church in Winchester, Kentucky on July 16, 1903. The desire to reach others in our community, our state, and in other countries through missions has been at the heart of our church throughout our history. Presently, we have three active women's circle groups.
Diane Williams Group meets the 3rd Monday each month at 7:00 PM hosted by different members of the group.
​​Mae Kennedy Group meets the 1st Monday of the month at 11:30 AM at an area restaurant.
​Tena Walker Group meets the 3rd Tuesday of March, May, July, September, and November at 5:30 PM at an area restaurant.
Children's Mission Groups
Centered around the work of missionaries in our community and throughout the world, our children's mission groups strive to provide the building blocks of faith and teach the love of God for all people.
Mission Friends for preschoolers and Children in Action for children grades 1-6 meet every Wednesday at 6:00 PM following a snack supper at 5:30 PM.​
Mission Opportunities

In 1990, Souper Bowl of Caring began with a simple prayer from a single youth group: “Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those without a bowl of soup to eat. ”Since then, close to $200 million has been generated for local charities across the country through Souper Bowl of Caring. It has become a powerful movement that transforms the time around the Big Game into the nation’s largest celebration of giving and caring for those in need. Through this mission, people learn they can make a positive difference in the world as they collect food, raise money and serve at hunger-relief charities and show caring and compassion in local communities across the country. Share in God’s love for our neighbors in need and give generously on Souper Bowl Sunday. All of the donations collected will go directly to our Tackle Hunger Charity of Choice: Clark County Community Services.
To learn more, visit: TackleHunger.org
​Additional Opportunities
Pastor Keith is now serving on the Homeless Coalition Board. If you would like to help by purchasing items for people who are moving to their new apartments, please use this link to Amazon. It will ship directly to them.
The Come to the Table store is in need of shampoo and men's body wash. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Due to the winter weather and a higher number of folks in need, Beacon of Hope is asking for cleaning supplies such as paper towels, sponges, and such. Those can be brought to the church any day from 10AM to 2PM or on Sunday. They will be taken to the Beacon on Thursday evening, January 30th.
During the months of November, December, January, and February, we will provide soup and salad on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month to our members who are presently unable to attend. If you would like to volunteer to deliver meals or know of someone that would benefit from this ministry, please contact Lois Webb.