Meet The Team
About Us
We seek to be a vibrant church demonstrating the love of Christ that is vital to the life and hope of our city.
Together we will​
Focus on Christ.
Build for generations to come.
Reach the city of Winchester.
Love others.
You will not find an endless list of programs at FBCW. We seek to do a few things and do them well. We believe we are called to focus on these four things:
Care for others
Powerful worship
Live in community
Invest in the next generation
We are not perfect, but we are a loving church. Here a few truths that might help you better understand our church.
Jesus is Lord.
We are diverse, but unified in love.
We value women in leadership.
We appreciate our history.
We look to reach the community.
Our Beliefs
In our Constitution and Bylaws, First Baptist Church accepts the 1963 Baptist Faith and Message of our beliefs. We are a non-creedal people, but as a 'confession', this doctrinal statement provides a general understanding of what we believe. Our Constitution and Bylaws further identify our family of faith.
We are committed to worship, evangelism, discipleship, ministry and
fellowship in the name of Jesus Christ, and we have a place for you.
We believe in the historic Baptist premises of…
The authority and sufficiency of the Bible
Salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone
Baptism of believers by immersion
Two ordinances – Lord’s Supper & Baptism
The autonomy of the local congregation
Religious liberty for all people
Separation of church and state
Taking the gospel around the corner and around the world
We are an unaffiliated Baptist church with deep, historic ties to the Southern Baptist Church and Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. We have members who support the Southern Baptist Convention sitting side by side with those who consider their beliefs to be more in keeping with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. We cherish our diversity, share a mutual love and respect for each other, and know we have freedom to voice our beliefs without fear of alienation.​
We partner with the…
Clark County Community Services
Winchester-Clark County Association of Churches