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     In our Constitution and Bylaws, First Baptist Church accepts the 1963 Baptist Faith and Message of our beliefs. We are a non-creedal people, but as a 'confession', this doctrinal statement provides a general understanding of what we believe. Our Constitution and Bylaws found below further identify our family of faith. 




​​First Baptist Church Constitution

and Bylaws


32 East Lexington Avenue

Winchester, Kentucky


Revised January 31, 1995








     We declare and establish this constitution for the preservation and security of the principles of our faith so that this body may be governed in an orderly manner. This constitution will preserve the liberties of each member of this church and the freedom of action of this body in its relation to other churches of like faith and order.


Article I. Name


This body shall be known as the First Baptist Church of Winchester, Kentucky.



Article II. Character


Section I. Polity


     The government of this church is vested in the body of believers who compose it. It is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical body, but it recognizes and sustains the obligations of mutual counsel and cooperation which are common among Baptist churches. It is the intention of this church to cooperate with the Elkhorn Association of Baptists, the Kentucky Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention.


     This is a democratic Baptist church under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The membership retains unto itself the right of exclusive self government in all phases of the spiritual and temporal life of this church.


Section 2. Doctrine


     The Bible as the Word of God shall be this church's authority and guide in matters of faith and practice. First Baptist Church seeks to live out the beliefs of her people through missions, evangelism, and education. We accept The Baptist Faith and Message adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention (Kansas City, Missouri 1963) as an expression of our beliefs. (A copy of The Baptist Faith and Message is attached to the official copy of this constitution in the church records.)


Article III. Church Covenant


     Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and by the influence of his Spirit to give ourselves up to him, so we do most solemnly covenant with each10ther:


That, God enabling us, we will walk together in brotherly love;


That we will exercise a Christian care and watchfulness over each other, and faithfully warn, rebuke and admonish one another as the case may require;


That we will not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, nor omit the great duty of prayer, both for ourselves and others; 


That we will participate in each other's joys, and endeavor with tenderness and sympathy to bear each other's burdens and sorrows;     


That we will earnestly endeavor to bring up such as are or may be under our care in the nurture and admonition of the Lord; 


That we will seek divine aid to enable us to walk circumspectly and watchfully in the world, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts;


That we will endeavor by example and effort to win souls to Christ;


We also promise that when we move from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God's Word.      





Article I. Membership


Section I. General.


     The church membership reserves the exclusive right to determine who shall be members of this church and the conditions of membership.


Section 2. Candidacy.


     Any person may offer himself as a candidate for membership in this church. All such candidates shall be presented for membership in person (or by written request when physical limitations prevent the individual from presenting himself in person) to the church at any regular service or meeting in any of the following ways:


     (I) Baptism. Upon satisfactory evidence of a personal saving experience with Jesus Christ and upon a public profession of faith in him as Savior and a commitment of one's life to him as Lord, a person may be received as a candidate for baptism. New Testament baptism symbolizes both a historical fact and a present experience. The historical fact is the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; the present experience is the death of the believer to his old life of sin, and his resurrection to new life in Christ. The mode of baptism is immersion in water. The believer submits to the ordinance of baptism as a act of obedience to his Lord, but the ordinance is not a part of, nor essential to, his salvation.


     Any person who has been baptized in accordance with the above statement on baptism may be received by giving satisfactory evidence of his or her Christian experience. '


     (2) Letter. A person may be received upon presentation of, or promise of, a letter of dismissal from another church of like faith and order.


     (3) Statement. A person may be received upon his statement of a prior conversion experience and baptism (as defined in Article I, Section 2 (I) above) when no letter is obtainable. This may include churches of other denominations when the baptismal practice is similar to that defined above.


 (4)   Responsibility of Members. Upon a candidate's presentation of himself for membership, the Pastor shall discuss the following with the candidate:


     a. All new members of this church, and especially those who are received on a profession of faith and baptism, shall be expected to avail themselves of the opportunity of doctrinal study and church-membership orientation when provided.


     b. Every member of this church shall be expected to manifest expressed interest and loyal by attendance, identified financial support and definite service contribution.


     c. Current members of the church are expected to encourage and nurture all new members. Encouragers shall be assigned to new families joining the church.


(5) Spiritual Watchcare. Persons who are temporary residents in the city or who are members of a church of another denomination or who have other justifiable reasons and would like to come under spiritual watchcare of our church, may do so by presenting themselves for membership in the spiritual watchcare.


     Persons who are born again believers and make a profession of faith in Christ but due to infirmity are unable to receive New Testament baptism may be received under the spiritual watchcare.


     These persons shall have rights and privileges ordinarily afforded full members of the church such as benefit of the clergy and pastoral care, participation in the observance of the Lord's Supper, etc. However, they shall not hold office in the church or its organizations or vote in church business session, but they may assist in church programs as need and personal interest are present.

    When such persons are baptized by immersion, they shall be received into full membership


Section 3. Termination. Membership shall be terminated in any of the following ways: (1) death, (2) transfer of letter to another church of like faith and order, (3) exclusion by action of this church, (4) termination upon becoming affiliated with a church of another faith or denomination, or (5) upon request of the member himself.


Article Il. Staff, Church Officers, and Committees


     All church officers and staff shall be members of this church, with the possible exception of secretarial staff, custodial staff, or church instrumentalists. The staff and officers of this church shall be as follows:


Section 1. Pastor.


     In general, the duties of the Pastor shall be fourfold: as preacher, to proclaim the Gospel; as overseer, to superintend the work of the church; as pastor, to shepherd the flock; and as minister, to serve the people of the church and the community for Christ's sake.


     A Pastor shall be chosen and called by the church whenever a vacancy occurs. His election shall take place at a special Sunday morning business meeting called for that purpose. A notice of at least two weeks shall have been given in a Sunday worship service and in the church bulletin and newsletter prior to that called meeting.


     A Pastor Search Committee shall be nominated by the deacons after careful discussion with every church organization and elected by the church to seek out a suitable Pastor. The recommendation of this committee to the church shall constitute a nomination. The committee shall bring to the consideration of the church only one man at a time.


     The Pastor Search Committee shall be comprised of a cross section of the church. The committee shall total seven (7) members. Included in the make-up of the committee should be at least two (2) deacons, two (2) women, and (1) youth (age 16-21). Those that make up the committee should represent or have a thorough working knowledge

of the five major organizations of the church: Sunday School, Discipleship Training, Church Music, Women's Missionary Union, and Brotherhood. The committee shall organize itself by secret ballot with the following officers: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary.


     The call of a Pastor shall be by secret ballot. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of those members present casting ballots shall be required to call a Pastor.


     A Pastor, thus called, shall serve until the relationship is terminated upon his resignation, or by the church's request. The Pastor shall give a minimum of two (2) weeks notice at the time of his resignation before terminating his responsibilities as Pastor.


     If termination is by the choice of the church, it shall be by two-thirds vote of those members present and voting by secret ballot, and with at least two weeks notice to the Pastor whose salary shall be continued for sixty (60) days beyond the date of termination. Advance notice of such proposed action shall be given in writing to the resident membership at least two (2) weeks prior to church action. Action shall be taken at a special Sunday morning business meeting.


Section 2. Church Staff.


     The church shall call or employ such staff members as it shall deem necessary. The Pastor shall be recommended by a Pastor Search Committee, chosen and called as specified in Article Il, Section 1 of these by- laws.


     Staff ministers shall be recommended by the Personnel Committee after deacons and called by action of the church at a special Sunday morning business meeting for chat purpose. A notice at least two weeks shall have been given in a Sunday worship service and in bulletin and newsletter prior to the meeting . The secret ballot. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of those members present casting ballots shall be required to call a staff minister. The recommendation of a staff minister shall include a written job description outlining the responsibilities of the minister and all terms of the call.


     A staff minister, thus called, shall serve until the relationship is terminated upon his/her resignation, or by the church's request. The staff minister shall give a minimum of two (2) Weeks notice at the time of his/her resignation before terminating his/her responsibilities as a staff minister.


     If termination is by the choice of the church, it shall be by two-thirds vote of those members present and voting by secret ballot, and with at least two weeks notice to the staff minister whose salary shall be continued for sixty (60) days beyond the date of termination. Advance notice of such proposed action shall be given in writing to the resident membership at least two (2) weeks prior to church action. Action shall be taken at a special Sunday morning business meeting.


     Other staff employees shall be recommended by the Personnel Committee after consultation with the Pastor, staff ministers, and the deacons. Staff employees shall be hired upon the approval of the church at a regular business meeting. The recommendation of a staff employee shall include a written job description outlining the responsibilities of the employee and all terms of employment.​


​Section 3. Deacons.


     The ultimate authority for decision making resides in our church at large. Two groups act as guides in enabling the church to make wise decisions. The deacons serve to guide in all spiritual matters. The Church Council serves to guide in program matters.


     (1) There shall be at least one deacon for every fifty members whose names are on the church roll, and these shall constitute the Deacon Council. A deacon shall be a member in good standing of the church. They should be people of exemplary Christian lifestyle and fulfill the qualifications of Scriptures for deacons as found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.

     (2) The deacons shall serve on a rotation basis. Each year the term of office of one-fourth of the number of deacons shall expire, and election shall take place to fill the vacancies. In case of death or removal or incapacity to serve, the church may elect to fulfill the unexpired term. After serving a term of three years, no deacon shall be eligible for reelection until the lapse of at least one year. There is no obligation to constitute as an active deacon of First Baptist Church a person who comes to the church from another church where service has been given as a deacon. Deacons not currently serving on the active Council shall be designated as inactive deacons.

     (3) In accordance with the meaning of the word diakonos and the practice of the New Testament, deacons are to be the servants of the church. They are to be zealous to guard the unity of the Spirit within the church in the bonds of peace. They shall serve as a council of advice and conference with the Pastor in all matters pertaining to the welfare and work of the church. With the Pastor they are to consider and formulate plans for constant progress of the church in all things pertaining to evangelism, discipleship, and missions. Deacons shall consider it their duty to attend all regular worship services of the church and to support the church through their actions and through faithful stewardship.

     (4) The deacons shall elect their officers and shall be organized to assist the Pastor in ministering to the church. They may organize themselves into such committees as are needed to meet the ministry needs within the church.

     (5) All deacons active on the Deacon Council will be assigned families within the Deacon Family Ministry plan. Each deacon will be expected to make regular contact with his assigned families to give encouragement and support and to refer any special needs to the Pastor or other church staff.

     (6) Election of deacons shall be by the following procedure:

  • Recommendations shall be received from the church at large for those to be considered for nomination of deacons.

  • The deacons shall appoint a Deacon Nominating Committee comprised of the deacon officers and the Pastor. They shall have the responsibility to investigate the qualifications of those recommended, their relationship to the Lord, and their service through First Baptist Church. This committee shall then bring nominations to the Deacon Council and to the church.

  • New deacons shall be elected by secret ballot, requiring a simple majority vote, at a Sunday morning business session called especially for that purpose. A notice of at least two weeks shall have been given in a Sunday worship service and in the church bulletin and newsletter prior to that call meeting.

  • New deacons shall be ordained following election.


Section 4. Moderator.


     The moderator shall be the chairman of the deacons. In the absence of the moderator, the vice-chairman of the deacons shall serve as moderator. The deacon secretary shall serve as moderator in the absence of moderator or vice-moderator. The Pastor shall convene the church in business to receive members. The Pastor may moderate a business meeting of the church at the special request of the moderator.


Section 5. Clerk.


     The church shall elect annually a church clerk who shall keep a suitable book record of all the actions of the church. He is responsible for keeping minutes of the proceedings of all regular and special meetings of the church. He shall preserve records of baptisms, other admissions, transfers of letters out from the church, and deaths.


Section 6. Treasurer.


     The church shall elect annually a church treasurer who shall keep suitable records of all the financial transactions of the church. It shall be the treasurer's responsibility to supervise the accurate recording and deposit of all receipts, to maintain a record of individual contributions that shall be reported confidentially to each contributing member, to supervise the proper distribution of all disbursements according to annual budget guidelines, and to chair the Finance Committee in its work. A monthly financial statement shall be presented to the church business meeting of all of the previous month's transactions.


     The Church Financial and Records Secretary shall serve as assistant treasurer to assist the treasurer as


Section 7. Trustees.


     Three (3) trustees shall hold in trust the property of the church and shall serve until their successors are elected. Trustees shall be elected for six-year terms with one trustee ending service every two years. After serving six years, no trustees shall succeed himself until after the lapse of at least two years.


     A trustee shall be a property owner in Clark County. He shall be active in the total life of the church with an understanding of the church's ministry programs.


     The duties of the trustees shall be to:

  1. Affix their signature to legal documents involving the sale, mortgaging,  purchase or rental of property or other legal documents as required. They shall have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease or transfer any property without the specific vote of the church authorizing such action.

  2. Provide, maintain, and update insurance on the church buildings, furnishings, and vehicles.

  3. Provide and maintain messenger robbery insurance and Surety and Fidelity Bond for the church treasurer and the Financial and Records Secretary.

  4. Keep a personal inventory of all furnishings and equipment owned, leased, or otherwise used by the church.​


Section 8. Church Ushers.


     Church ushers shall be recruited by the chairman of the ushers, approved by the Nominating Committee, and reported to the church for the church's approval.


     The ushers shall:

  1. Greet people at the doors to the sanctuary as people enter church.

  2. Seat people at the proper time.

  3.  Provide bulletins and/or other materials at the time of seating and/or at the appropriate time during worship.   

  4. Be attentive to [lie needs of the congregation, the Pastor, and other worship leaders.


Section 9. Church Media Center Director.


     (1) The church media center director shall be elected annually by the church upon the recommendation of the Nominating Committee.

     (2) It shall be the duty of the church media center director to have general charge over the library and to see that the library is properly organized and adequately promoted throughout the church organization. The church

media center director shall also cooperate with others working in the church media center concerning major matters and the purchase of new books and equipment.


Section 10. Church Historian.


     A church historian shall be selected by the Nominating Committee and elected annually by the church. It shall be the duty of the historian to establish and maintain a collection of items of historical interest related to the church, such as photos, news clippings, major reports, programs, etc. The Church Historian would serve as coordinator for others interested in church history.


Section 11. Church Council.


     The ultimate authority for decision making resides in our church at large. Two groups act as guides in enabling the church to make wise decisions. The deacons serve to guide in all spiritual matters. The Church Council serves to guide in program matters.


     The Church Council shall have as its regular members the Pastor (chairman), Minister of Education, Minister of Music, Director of Youth Ministries, Sunday School Director, Discipleship Training Director, Women's Missionary Union Director, Brotherhood Director, the Chairman of Deacons, the Church Treasurer, and the chairs of all standing committees. The Church Secretary shall serve as secretary to the council.


   It shall be the duty of the Church Council to:

  1. recommend to the church suggested goals and objectives;

  2. review and coordinate program plans recommended by church officers, organizations, and committees;

  3. recommend to the church the use of leadership, calendar time and other resources according to program priorities;

  4. evaluate program achievements in terms of church goals and objectives.


     All matters agreed upon by the council, calling for action not already provided for, shall be referred to the church for appropriate action.


Section 12. Education Council.


     The Education Council is comprised of the heads of our various educational organizations and other elected members. The Minister of Education shall head this Council. The Council is responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating the education program of the church.


Section 13. The Music Council.


     The Music Council is comprised of the heads of our various graded choirs and other elected members. The Minister of Music shall head this Council. The Council is responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating the music program of the church.


Section 14. Youth Council.


     The Youth Council is comprised of members elected from youth, their parents, and workers with youth from our various church programs. The Minister of Youth shall head this Council. The Council is responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating the youth program of the church.


Section 15. Missions/Ministry Council.


     The Missions/Ministry Council is comprised of elected members from our mission organizations and the church at large. The Council is responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating the mission/ministry programs of the church. The Pastor shall assist the chairperson of this group.


Section 16. Standing Committees.


     All standing church committee members shall be selected by the Nominating Committee and elected by the church for the ensuing year. Each committee shall consist of six (6) members unless otherwise indicated in the description below. The committee members shall serve on a three year rotation system with one-third to be elected each year. After serving three years on a given committee, no member may succeed himself until after the lapse of at least one year. The chairman of each committee shall be designated by the Nominating Committee unless otherwise specified.


16.1 and Finance Committee.


     The Budget and Finance Committee is comprised of six (6) members other than the Church Treasurer. It is responsible for preparing, promoting, and overseeing the annual church budget. The annual budget shall be prepared on the basis of ministry needs and requests. This committee shall oversee the budget by:

          1. examining monthly receipts and expenditures.

          2. keeping careful financial records,

          3. reporting budget receipts and expenditures to the church,

          4. encouraging congregational support Of the ministry budget.

16.2 Long-Range Planning Committee.


     The Long Range Planning Committee is comprised of six to eight members elected from the church at large. This committee has the responsibility of formulating long-range goals and strategies. The committee shall have the ongoing task of evaluating and upgrading church goals and strategies each year, looking at least ten years


16.3 Elkhorn Association Executive Board Members.


     Two members other than the Pastor shall be elected to represent our church at the monthly meeting of the Elkhorn Association Executive Board.


16.4 Nominating Committee.


     The Nominating Committee has the task of nominating officers, leaders, workers, and committee members for the various organizations in the life of First Baptist Church. The Nominating Committee shall provide job descriptions for each of the positions of the church.

     The Minister of Education in addition to the Pastor and Chairman of the Deacons shall serve as a ex-officio member of the Nominating Committee. Other Staff ministers shall be called upon as needed to help in their areas.

     The Nominating Committee's report shat be brought to the business meeting in the month immediately preceding the beginning of the organizational year. Vacancies throughout the year may be filled in consultation with the Pastor and Minister of Education.


16.5 Personnel Committee.


     The Personnel Committee shall evaluate and make recommendations concerning staff needs at First Baptist. This committee shall serve as the search committee for all staff positions other than Pastor. This committee shall work with the Pastor in staff evaluations and in dealing with any staff problems.


16.6 Property and Grounds Committee.


     The Property and Grounds Committee is responsible for the maintenance, improvement, and development of all church property and grounds. The committee shall set priorities for needed projects and present these to the church. This committee shall be authorized to spend up to $1,000 for any one project without receiving prior authorization from the church. This committee shall meet on a regular basis, at least monthly, to review and deal with needs of the church in these areas.


Section 17. Service Committees.


     Service committees are ministry related and closely tied to the gifts and talents of those serving. Because of this, these committees are not subject to rotation but are encouraged to utilize all those with gifts in these areas.


17.1 Audio/Video Committee.


     The Audio/Video Committee shall be responsible for providing audio and video services for all worship and special events at First Baptist. This committee shall be responsible for the maintenance of and the proposal for the purchase of equipment.


17.2 Baptismal Committee.


     The Baptismal Committee shall be responsible for assisting baptismal candidates in every way possible to make this ordinance meaningful for all involved.


17.3 Communion Committee.


     The Communion Committee is responsible for preparing the elements for the Lord's Supper and for the care of the serving utensils.


17.4 Fellowship Committee.


     The Fellowship Committee will be responsible for coordinating the decorations and food for receptions and other fellowships of a church-wide nature.


17.5 Flower Committee.


     The Flower committee shall see that appropriate floral arrangements are provided for worship. Flowers and other decorations shall be provided for other special church activities.


17.6 Greeters Committee.


     The Greeters Committee shall enlist members to serve as greeters each Sunday Morning to greet members and guests at the front entrance to the church.


17.7 Kitchen Committee.


     The Kitchen Committee is responsible for (1) coordinating the monthly Church Business Meeting Fellowship supper and (2) keeping the kitchen stocked with necessary items by reporting to the office when kitchen supplies need to be purchased.


17.8 Media Center.


     The Media Center Committee shall have the following job responsibilities:

     I. Order new books as needed/requested.

     2. Process new books. (Type check-out cards and place books on shelf)

     3. Staff the Library at regular hours

          Sunday morning from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 - 12:30 p.m.

     4. Decorate the Library window on a regular basis.


     The Media Center Committee shall be responsible for the general upkeep of the Media Center. They shall meet on a regular basis in order to review the needs of the church and determine how the Media Center can best meet these needs. The Minister of Education will serve as an ex-officio member of this committee.


17.9 Nursery Committee.


     The Nursery Committee shall be responsible for dividing the following responsibilities:

     I. Scheduling nursery teachers for the new church year.

     2. Weekly calling to ensure enlisted nursery teachers are present each week.

     3. Keeping the nursery supplied with necessary items.

     4. Scheduling regular times to clean toys, beds, etc.


Article III. Program Organizations


Section I. General.


     All organizations of the church shall be under church control. The personnel (officers, teachers, counselors, etc.) shall be selected by the Nominating Committee and elected by the church. It is understood that the Pastor is an ex-officio officer of all the organizations named. The Chairman of the Deacons also serves as exofficio officer of all the organizations named representing lay membership.


Section 2. Sunday School.


     There shall be a Sunday School divided into departments and classes for all ages and conducted under the direction of a director for the study of God's Word. Sunday School is to be conducted primarily each Sunday morning. The Minister of Education is the staff coordinator for this program.


Section 3. Discipleship Training


     There be a program of Christian training divided into departments for all ages and conducted under the direction of a general director. The Minister of Education is the staff coordinator for this program.


Section 4. Woman's Missionary Union.


     There shall be a Woman's Missionary Union with such officers and such forms of organization as needed. This program shall be directed by a director who shall be elected by the church.


Section 5. Brotherhood.


     There shall be a Brotherhood made up of such standard organizations, including Royal Ambassadors, as needed. This program shall be directed by a director who shall be elected by the church.


Section 6. Church Music Program.


     There shall be a church music program under the direction of the Minister of Music. Such officers and/or organizations shall be included as needed.


Section 7. Church Youth Program.


     There shall be a church youth program under the direction of the Minister of Youth. Such officers and/or organizations shall be included as needed.


Article IV. Church Meetings


Section I. Worship Services.


     The church shall meet regularly each Sunday morning and evening, and Wednesday evening unless providentially hindered for preaching, instruction, prayers, and for the worship of Almighty God. These meetings will be open for the entire membership of the church and for all people and shall be conducted under the direction of the Pastor.


Section 2. Regular Business Meeting.


     Regular business meetings shall be held on the Wednesday night following the first Sunday of each month.


Section 3. Special Business Meetings.


     A specially called business meeting may be held to consider special matters of significant nature as needed.


Section 4. Parliamentary Rules.


     Robert's Rules of Order, Revised is the authority for parliamentary rules of procedure for all business meetings of the church.


Article V. Church Finances


Section 1. 


     The Budget and Finance Committee, in consultation with the Church Council and Deacon Council prepare and submit to the church for approval an inclusive budget, indicating by item the amount needed and sought for all local and worldwide expenses.


Section 2.


     All funds for any and all purposes shall pass through the hands of the Church Treasurer and be properly recorded on the books of the church.


Section 3.


     A Counting Committee, appointed by the Budget and Finance Committee and consisting of six to eight members, shall be responsible for counting each offering, maintaining careful records, and depositing the offering as soon as possible after receipt and counting. At least two members shall be present for each counting and deposit.


Section 4.


     It is understood that membership in this church involves financial obligation to support the church and its causes with regular, proportionate gifts. Each new member shall, therefore be immediately approached by a representative of the church for his/her participation in faithful stewardship.


Section 5. Fiscal Year.


     The fiscal year of the church shall run October 1 - September 30.


Article VI. Discipline


Section I.


     Should a member become an offense to the church and to its good name by reason of immoral or unchristian conduct, or by persistent breach of his covenant vows, or by non-support of the church, the church may terminate his/her membership by a two-thirds vote of those members present and voting by secret ballot, but only after due notice, and after faithful efforts have been made to bring such a member to repentance and amendment. In matters of discipline, all concerns must first be taken before the deacons and Pastor to determine if the concerns should be handled privately or as a church matter.


Section 2.


     Any person whose membership has been terminated for any offense may be restored by a two-thirds vote of those members present and voting, upon evidence of his repentance and reformation; or, if on account of continued absence, upon satisfactory explanation.


Article VII. Amendments


     Changes in this constitution and by-laws may be made at a Sunday business meeting of the church, provided such amendments shall have been presented in writing at a previous business meeting at least one month prior to the vote, and copies of the proposed amendment be furnished to each member present. Amendments to the constitution shall be by two-thirds vote of all members of the church present entitled to vote; amendments to the by-laws shall have a concurrence of a majority of the members present and voting.



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